Velconte Entertainment presented the Web interface of a new international streaming platform Fooxoo

The production company Velconte Entertainment presented the name and Web interface of the new international streaming platform Fooxoo.

As the founder of the platform Leonid Khromov explained, Fooxoo is the new name of the most delicious fruit in the world, as tasty and juicy as the films posted on our platform.

At the moment, the developers are testing and refining the platform's Web interface on the local and Web servers.

"We hope that in 2024 we will be able to complete the main tests of the new engine and the platform will be officially launched in test mode for an international audience", — said the founder of an international IT startup.

The developers plan to launch the service for residents of North America and some European countries, in 2024/2025. For other countries the service may launch no earlier than 2026.

"Everything will depend on negotiations with investors, because launching a platform in new territories requires serious material costs", — Leonid Khromov added.


Initially, we plan to post short films and short series on the platform with a duration of no more than 30 minutes. In the future, our own and/or partner full-length films will be available on the platform.

"Today, the global market for short films is not well developed, so our task is to solve this problem so that more people are interested in short films, and aspiring of professional producers and directors gain access to a global audience", — explained the producer.